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Testing tools

To make it easier to write unit tests for functions that use the ConnectClient, two utility classes are available in the connect.client.testing module:

  • ConnectClientMocker to mock http calls for the ConnectClient
  • AsyncConnectClientMocker to mock http calls for the AsyncConnectClient

Usage example

The ConnectClientMocker (or the AsyncConnectClientMocker for the AsyncConnectClient) folow the same fluent interface as the ConnectClient:

from connect.client import ConnectClient
from connect.client.testing import ConnectClientMocker

def test_get_all_products():
    client = ConnectClient('ApiKey SU-000-000-000:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx')

    expected_response = [{'id': 'PRD-000'}]

    with ConnectClientMocker(client.endpoint) as mocker:

        assert list(client.products.all()) == expected_response

or if you use the AsyncConnectClient:

from connect.client import AsyncConnectClient
from connect.client.testing import AsyncConnectClientMocker

async def test_get_all_products():
    client = AsyncConnectClient('ApiKey SU-000-000-000:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx')

    expected_response = [{'id': 'PRD-000'}]

    with AsyncConnectClientMocker(client.endpoint) as mocker:

        assert [item async for item in client.products.all()] == expected_response

Both the ConnectClientMocker and the AsyncConnectClientMocker constructors accept an extra keywork argument exclude to exclude urls from mocking. the exclude argument can be a string, a re.Pattern object or a list, tuple or set which elements can be strings or re.Pattern.

Both mockers are also available as pytest fixtures:

def test_get_all_products(client_mocker_factory):
    client = ConnectClient('ApiKey SU-000-000-000:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx')

    expected_response = [{'id': 'PRD-000'}]

    mocker = client_mocker_factory(base_url=client.endpoint)

    assert list(client.products.all()) == expected_response

Also the fixtures accept an extra keyword argument exclude that is passed to the underlying mocker constructor.

For more example on how to use the client mocker see the tests/client/ file in the github repository.